Information about billing, garbage and recycling pickup, local services, utility departments, and frequently asked questions
Utilities Menu
Utility Announcements
Effective: January 1, 2023 all utility payments must be made at the Town Hall below is the options available to you:
* Mail to: Ossian Utilities 507 N Jefferson St. Ossian, IN 46777
* On-line there is a $4.03 service charge
* By phone call 260-622-4251 there is a $4.03 service charge
* Drop box located in front of the town hall
* Walk-in’s are always welcome. 507 N Jefferson St. 7am – 3:30pm
* ACH (automatic withdraw) sign up at town hall

Online Summer Sprinkling Credit: Click here to sign up online!
To pay your utility bill online, please use this link:
Utility bills are generated on the 1st of each month through the Utility office.
Payment is due by the 20th of the month.
Effective January 1, 2023
Utility Payments can no longer be made at the Farmer’s & Merchants Bank
Options to Pay Your Utility Bill
- Pay online (credit card fee $4.03)
- Pay by phone 260-622-4251 (credit card fee $4.03)
- By mail, sent to:
Town of Ossian
507 N. Jefferson St.
Ossian, IN 46777 - In person:
Use the customer service window at the Ossian Town Hall 507 N. Jefferson St. - Use the Drop Box at the Town Hall
- Sign up for ACH:
To sign up, come to the customer service window for your form.
Make all checks payable to: Ossian Municipal Utilities
Frequently Asked Questions about Utilities
I just moved to town. How do I set up new utility service?
Please print out and complete the Application for Residential Utility Service. Bring the completed form and one form of photo ID to the Town Hall.
If you are renting and two people are on the lease, both people will need to sign the application and come to the Town Hall, each with photo ID.
Who should I contact when the power goes out?
Contact your electric company, likely either AEP/I&M or Heartland REMC. You can find general contact information for them below. You can also find their contact information on any of the bills they’ve sent you.
PLEASE NOTE: Town of Ossian employees have NO INFORMATION about power outages, when they will happen, or when power will be turned back on. We are unable to assist you in getting your power turned on. You will need to contact your electric company directly.
Where can I see the water rate ordinance (or other utility ordinances)?
You can find utility-related ordinances here.
Where do I report streetlight outages?
You can report all streetlight outages directly to Indiana Michigan Power using this form. Please note that the Town does not have any record of outage reports, and does not handle outage repairs.
Telephone & Internet
Jefferson Township Trustee
Telephone & Internet
Water, Sewer & Garbage
Cable TV & Internet
Telephone & Internet
Telephone & Internet
Cable TV & Internet
Jefferson Township Trustee
Water, Sewer & Garbage
Sewer Department
The Ossian wastewater utility serves 1,300 units on the water system. In addition, units in the Silo Farms manufactured housing development north of Ossian, and the Norwell Middle and High Schools are also served on a daily basis. Seven lift stations direct wastewater to a 900,000 gallon per day sewage treatment facility.
Sewer charges are based on water consumption. A flat rate is utilized for those who are not water customers.
Street Department
The Town of Ossian covers over two square miles of land area and contains approximately 25 miles of streets. State Road 1 provides a north-south access and several county roads feed into town.
The Street Department offers services year round including: sweeping of curb streets in the spring, road paving and repairs in the summer, leaf pickup in the fall, and snowplowing/salting in the winter. Clear and safe roadways are provided year round by appropriate and visible signage and safety barriers where necessary. Mosquito spraying also takes place as needed and weather permitting.
Garbage & Recycling
Download your 2025 Garbage & Recycling Calendar here
The Town of Ossian contracts with Republic Services for garbage and recycling services.
Garbage is picked up every Tuesday beginning at 6:00a.m.
The contract limits each household to one trash and one recycle bin per week with additional bins available through the Town Hall at an additional charge. Any overflow garbage can be set out in a regular trash bags as long as it has a Republic sticker on it. These stickers can be purchased at the town hall for $1.50 each. Tree limbs must be bundled and tied to less than a 3 foot square.
Recycling is picked up every other Tuesday.
Any overflow recyclables must be contained in a small box or paper sack, not plastic bags. Packing or moving boxes must be broken down to less than 3 foot square.
Please report any problems or misses with either garbage or recycling to the Town Hall at 260-622-4251.
Republic Services also provides the town 2 clean up days. They are in June and October. Watch your water bill for more information as the dates get closer.
Water Department
The Town provides approximately 1,300 residential, commercial, and industrial units with water service.
The Ossian water system is comprised of five wells located within the corporate limits along with 21 miles of main and supply lines. Two elevated storage tanks provide 450,000 gallons of water storage capacity. The average demand on the system is over 300,000 gallons per day.
Water meters are read for billing on or about the 20th of each month.
Ossian Annual Quality Water Report (CCR): 2022 CCR
Storm Water
The Ossian storm water utility has been created to address the numerous drainage issues throughout the Town.
A storm water fee is included on the utility bill each month.
Amended Stormwater Rate Ordinance
The 3-member council appointed board meets the last Tuesday of each month at 10AM. Currently all 3 seats on the board are open. Please contact the Town Hall if you are interested in serving on the board.
Board Members
- open
- open
- open